Home: 1(306) 322-4547
Terry Cell: 1(306) 322-7439
Stacey Cell: 1(306) 322-7429
We look forward to hearing from you!. Stop by our farm and check out what we have or give us a call anytime!
Directions- from spalding-18.75 miles east on grid # 756, then 1 mile north from archerwill-6 miles west, 6.5 miles south, 3 miles west, then 1 mile south
from rose valley-2 miles north to grid # 756, 11 miles west, and 1 mile north
from tisdale-southon hwy #35 to naicam highway # 349, 2.5 miles west, 7 miles south, 1 mile east, and 1 mile south